Folsom Community Women in Business (CWiB) 

This group meets the second Wednesday of each month at Giddy Up Folsom. The location is graciously provided by Frank Richerand and Ashley Penton. This meeting is a grass roots community forum for women-owned businesses – whether just starting or well established. It provides for networking, support, and information. Each month there is a highlighted guest speaker. Come and have coffee and enjoy! 

The second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 AM-10:00 AM (Networking: 8:30 –9:00 AM and after the meeting)

This community group provides a monthly forum geared specifically toward women-owned businesses (small and large) in the Folsom and surrounding area. The meetings will provide a platform to share information and expertise, to network, and to support one another in all aspects of business.

Women who own their own businesses, women who desire to develop a business, and anyone who wants to learn about and support our area community women in business.

Featuring a wide range of information with guest speakers, information exchanges with relevant state/local government entities, highlighting participants’ businesses, and networking time for participants before and after the meeting.

Debra DePrato Phelps
Patricia Putnam Phillippi

Folsom Community Women in Business Meets at the Giddy Up in Folsom, LA